Advanced Tiled Loader - No longer maintained

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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by Karai17 »

I made a patch for 0.9 that Kadoba hasn't incorporated yet. Check out the pull request on Github, it should work.
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by pacman »

Oh... Pull request.
Github is a weird place for me :D
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by Karai17 »

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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by VetruvianSprite »

Will this be updated for 0.9.0 eventually?
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by Karai17 »

Kadoba has no plans to update ATL, unfortunately. :(
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Post by Kadoba »

I feel like I should address this myself. I probably won't be updating ATL in it's current state. ATL was my first major coding project and even though I dedicated many, many hours to it and learned a lot it I've never been happy with the results. Basically the scope is just way too large and I am way too inexperienced of a programmer. Instead of focusing just on the loading aspect of the library I tried to create an all-in-one solution that includes the rendering, saving, and real-time modification of maps and ended up with a huge inflexible mess. If I do come back to ATL I will likely salvage it into a different project with a much more focused goal.

I also apologize to anyone who feels like they wasted their time with ATL and it did not meet their expectations, or to anyone who genuinely finds it useful and is now finding out I don't plan to maintain it any longer. I honestly gave it my best shot but I've come to realize that is was really never a good library in the first place, which is a pretty hard pill to swallow.

Of course if someone does wish to maintain the library it is on github for anyone to extend, but in its present form I would personally discourage its use as it is now fairly out of date along with all of its previous limitations.
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - No longer maintained

Post by Karai17 »

It's worth noting that Tiled can export directly to lua, so in the future you (or anyone else who may take up the task) can totally ignore the xml->lua conversion and work directly on rendering tiled maps. That should probably simplify (and completely axe) a lot of the code?
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Post by bekey »

Last edited by bekey on Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - No longer maintained

Post by Karai17 »

Anyone is welcome to take up the task. I know there have been a few efforts within the community to develop new map formats and editors, but I feel like Tiled is a very solid solution that has been around for years, has a lot of community support, and serves a real purpose for love and gaming in general.

With Tiled exporting directly to lua, I think it would be wise to salvage the renderer from ATL and move that forward as a new, separate project with potential to optimize and enhance what Kadoba has already created for us. I suggest anyone interested in moving forward come hang out on the love IRC channel and maybe we can figure out where to go from here.
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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - No longer maintained

Post by Fayer »

I'll give it a try.
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