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A shoot-em-up where You Only Get One... coin.
Of course, one coin means a one credit clear - no continues allowed. But that's pretty par for the course as shmups go. So, one coin in this context means the coin you get to build your ship with - one dollar.
I love shmups, but the much-maligned "euroshmups" such as Tyrian, Raptor, Jets n Guns never held much bearing for me. Everything was too spammy, the player too tanky, and the power creeps until the game becomes trivial or a case of numbers bashing against each other.
So, I thought I'd make a game in that style and see if I could make something I liked better. I like shmups, and while no good shmup ever made had a shop worth mentioning, building your own ship doesn't sound like a fundamental flaw. To avoid power creep, the resource used to pay for weapons, stats, etc is set in stone, a dollar.
The game is probably poorly balanced. It's also most likely way too hard. Keep trying!
Consult the readme for music/audio sources.
Developed in LOVE2D 0.8.0. I have not tried it against 0.9.0.
Makes use of HUMP, Love Frames, tween.lua, loader.lua... code's an absolute mess, though. Try it out!