For a (possible) future game project of mine, I need a game user interface that's controlled without the mouse.
So I made "PunchUI". (Requires Löve 0.9.0!) The idea is to have quick access to interface functions that do all the dirty work for you.
Features include:
- Select "buttons" by pressing the corresponding key
- Drop-Down-Menus (and sub menus)
- Input boxes
- Text-rendering includes word-wrapping and mutlicolor text blocks
- Message boxes
- Can auto-resize text to containing panel
Eye candy:
Feel free to modify/change/reuse/dabblewith/comment/insult/löve or add to the code.
Note: this is still a relatively early version. While I develop the game (if I ever get around to it), I'll probably frequently update this. Right now it's solid enough to get started with. Just see the main.lua file for an example of how to use it. A documentation might follow if people show interest and the functions are somewhat more final.