PonGee! - My first game!

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PonGee! - My first game!

Post by Zarty55 »


It's a simple Pong game with a good amount of options to customize your gameplay. Not only that, there's also some gameplay mechanics such as PowerUps and a "dynamic" ball angle change. This angle change happens with collision and can get to a "deltaAngle" of 50 to -50 depending on the distance from the center of the pad.

What's funny is that it was just a simple collision test, with some more tests it just became my first game that I've evah that is finished!


Album link: https://love2d.org/imgmirrur/gOkmK.html

B7E8X8m.jpg (73.13 KiB) Viewed 497 times
NppUwJk.jpg (174.62 KiB) Viewed 497 times
yUDpMaL.jpg (39.83 KiB) Viewed 497 times
gcLxmYS.jpg (32.53 KiB) Viewed 497 times
http://www.mediafire.com/download/plf2m ... nglish.zip - .exe
http://www.mediafire.com/download/7rm8j ... glish.love - .love (If you want to take a look at the code, go ahead, but I didn't bother in translating the comments, also it's pretty disorganized :p)


W e S: Moves player 1 up and down
Up and Down arrows: Moves the player 2 up and down
Esc: Go to menu/Exit the game
P: Pause the game
F12: Resets the resolution to default (800x600)
F2: Debug mode (Show some information such as resolution, ratios, ball direction and some more debugging chety stuff :p)

When in debug mode:
F1: Shows totalTime, FPS, deltaTime and the amount of time for a powerUp to spawn.
F3: Cleans the console
F5: Resets the game (Not recomended)

That's it! Thank you for the attention!
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Re: PonGee! - My first game!

Post by Gravy »

Looks good! I like the particle effects.

Power ups are a little too hard to hit, though. It's easy to get through a game without ever hitting one.
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Re: PonGee! - My first game!

Post by shatterblast »

I also like the particle effects. They made it challenging to decide how big the paddle really is, but that just requires getting use to the graphics.

Looks good. :awesome:
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Re: PonGee! - My first game!

Post by andrew.207 »

Particles are awesome! Big points for that. I also like the line that shows where the ball is going to go, good idea.
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Re: PonGee! - My first game!

Post by Zarty55 »

Thank you guys! That's awesome :)

If I'd recommend anything for you to try is the IA vs IA (Btw, "IA" means "AI" in my native language, I forgot to translate this little thing haha :p) in the hard difficulty, it's pretty funny haha! I put some good work in that AI, I have to say that from medium to hard it scale a whole bunch, but I'm lacking the will to program anything right now :/ I don't think I'm going to continue this game, there are some things I'd love to add, but as I've said, I don't have the will (and the knowledge, for some stuff) to do them.

I love to program in LOVE btw. Lua is a great language and Love is awesome as well =D

Also, thank you in not complaining about my bad english xD
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