Hi, I'm new to LÖVE and I was wondering if there is a way to open a file in a small window inside of the game. kinda like the HTML iframes tag( http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp ).
Not possible, as far as I know. But, you can mimic it (I guess).
Why would you want to do that, by the way ? Maybe we ca find a simple workaround.
And welcome on Löve forums, by the way.
rready123 wrote:Probably a .exe file. Like firefox or chrome
No. Löve doesn't work that way.
Basically, you write Lua code, and Löve runs that code.
I can't see for what reason you might want to load/open executables from Löve.
I am not 100% sure about ultimate objective, but judging from your questions, I have the feeling that Löve might not be the answer...
rready123 wrote:Probably a .exe file. Like firefox or chrome
No. Löve doesn't work that way.
Basically, you write Lua code, and Löve runs that code.
I can't see for what reason you might want to load/open executables from Löve.
I am not 100% sure about ultimate objective, but judging from your questions, I have the feeling that Löve might not be the answer...