There are some things the absolutely have to be added to the engine before it can ever reach v 1.0.0. I'm not sure if the dev team is aware of this or not, but I want to throw it down here for good measure.
I will be taking a look at the LOVE source to make efforts towards implementing the things listed below. All the below things can technically be more or less implemented via lua, however, for all practical reasons including performance reasons they should be implemented into the engine core.
- 2D Scene Manager - I recommend something dynamic like a loose quadtree implementation such as the one featured in this 2d engine (their project is not open-source thus lame)
- Simple Built-in Entity System - This would probably go along with the Scene Manager, Physics, and Drawing. Entities are objects in the game that act as engine objects and can be drawn and physically simulated and are handled by the scene manager. Entities can be given collision groups, layers, physical properties, and can throw togglable callbacks from things like physics and user mouse clicking. I can't think of any game that wouldn't need to implement an entity system of some sort to function effectivley.
- Built-in Camera Functionality - A basic system supporting moving and scaling cameras as well as multiple cameras.
The engine would really progress if these things where handled and it would certainly allow users to focus on developing their game rather than worrying about implementing low-level functionality.