D'ohJasoco wrote:I get the same error as above with the current version.
Didn't see I had to replace updater.result by result twice.
If this version doesn't work, I'll eat my own hat, sir.
D'ohJasoco wrote:I get the same error as above with the current version.
Of course it isn't. So, Robin, I believe you owe us a youtube video of you eating your own hat.Jasoco wrote:Is this my fault? It's in 0.6.2.
I think we can skip that step, and go straight to me shooting myself.bartbes wrote:Of course it isn't. So, Robin, I believe you owe us a youtube video of you eating your own hat.Jasoco wrote:Is this my fault? It's in 0.6.2.
Code: Select all
ltn12 = require("ltn12")
function download( server, file )
local nfile = love.filesystem.newFile( file )
local lsink = ltn12.sink.file(nfile)
local f, e = http.request{
url = 'http://'..server..'/'..file,
sink = lsink
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