Easy q.

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Easy q.

Post by Xoria »

How do I execute a function a a particular x and y? Do I put it in the argument, bracket thing at the end of the function? I searched but couldn't find anything.
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Re: Easy q.

Post by Robin »

What exactly do you want? What do you mean by 'at a particular x and y'?
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Re: Easy q.

Post by Xoria »

If I have a function that draws something, how do I make it at a cirtain x, & y without actually putting it in.

Like love.graphics.draw( drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy )

insead of entering x, and y, can one enter nothing for the x, & y but still make it execute at a particular place?


function drawthing()

How can I make drawthing occur at a particular x, & y without actually entering it in? Is there another way?

I feel so stupid. -_-
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Re: Easy q.

Post by nevon »

Xoria wrote:How can I make drawthing occur at a particular x, & y without actually entering it in? Is there another way?
How would it possibly know where to draw the thing unless you tell it? However, you don't necessarily have to enter numbers literally. You could draw it to coordinates from a variable. For example, if you wanted to draw something at the cursor, you would do:

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
    love.graphics.draw(ourimage, love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY())
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Re: Easy q.

Post by kikito »

Maybe you mean that you want to use default values for x and y?

Code: Select all

function drawthing(drawable, x, y)
  x = x or 100
  y = y or 200
  love.graphics.draw(x,y, drawable)
This function will accept x and y as parameters. If you don't pass them, it will assign them 100 and 200.

Code: Select all

  drawthing(drawable, 500, 600) -- draws drawable thing on x=500, y=600
  drawthing(drawable) -- draws drawable thing on x=100, y=200
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: Easy q.

Post by Robin »

kikito wrote:

Code: Select all

function drawthing(drawable, x, y)
  x = x or 100
  y = y or 200
  love.graphics.draw(x,y, drawable)
Fail: it should be love.graphics.draw(drawable, x, y). :P

@Xoria: do you expect LÖVE to know where you want your image to be drawn, or something else?
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Re: Easy q.

Post by Xoria »

Nah, those last 2 posts did it for me. Tnx as usual.
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