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Re: Prevent the user from exiting by clicking "Close"

Post by Someguynamedpie »

Just throwing this out there, Alt+F4 just emulates clicking the close button and for no reason should cause a termination. If the application won't obey and there's no other way, you terminate the process in task manager. Command Q as far as I know terminates the program, however.
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Re: Prevent the user from exiting by clicking "Close"

Post by ThePC007 »

raidho36 wrote:
First an foremost, ignoring critique (especially from your userbase) is a terrible idea. Even if you disagree with a given statement, it is wise to at least acknowledge their cries. It is straight-up nonsense to do otherwise. In fact, I'd go as far to say that, other than providing a terrible service/experience/insert-buzzword ignoring your users is the worst thing you can do as the provisional entity/developer.
It's one thing when users would complain about flaws. But when users complain about something that is result of their own ignorance/stupidity/misunderstanding/whatever is a whole different story. You should never listen to this kind.
How is it their own ignorance when the game doesn't save their world save properly when they quit it? If the game corrupts your save file or fails to save it when you quit it, then that's a flaw in the game. Or how else would you define the word "flaw"?
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