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Post by Rhinoceros »

This is my edited/enhanced LD27 entry. The post mortem I wrote is over here, it documents the differences between this version and the one I made in 48 hours.

!!Press escape to unpause at the beginning, allowing the game to start.

You are a spaceship!

Shoot down all orange objects for maximum point scorage. New enemies come every 6 seconds. Upon death, you will be given 5 seconds of shields. This will block bullets and normal enemies, but don't go hug any bosses.

Pick up powerups to be better at shooting orange objects. Bombs will destroy all orange on the screen (except bosses, but they'll take a lot of damage from it). You can have 3 powerups (not including additional bombs), picking up more powerups will replace the oldest one with the one you just picked up.

speed - makes you and your bullets faster
big bullets - makes your bullets bigger. Bigger bullets do more damage to bosses.
firing speed - increases firing speed
more bullets - makes you shoot more bullets. More bullets do not do more damage to bosses.
bomb - gives you two more bombs.

pix (they're old, but it's same enough)
Image Image

Controls: (keyboard and gamepad compatible)
WASD/arrow keys/PoV hat/joystick 1 - movement
O/button 2 - shoot
P/button 3 - bomb
escape/button 10 - pause
C - configure controller
spacebar - skip reconfiguring a button in controller setup

-If it starts complaining about controller configuration, go to %appdata%/roaming/LOVE/RTDSE/config and delete it.
-Joysticks won't work unless they're plugged in when the program starts.
-See if you can find the hidden pun relating to the theme (10 seconds).
-The "(almost) entirely" is meant to refer to the fact I didn't make HardonCollider or LÖVE. Hah. Didn't make LÖVE.
-The .love is an archive, so you can unpack it to look at the source. It's alllll in main.lua because I'm lazy. Don't look at it if you've had a large lunch. It's... not pretty. It's not very optimized and barely legible. The legibility issue is partly because I almost never comment my code. Which is a habit I should probably break (right now, when I DO comment, it usually gets ridiculous. Go look at the first 5-6 lines of love.draw()).

Original LD entry here.
The version here is not the same as the version on the LD page. Don't vote based on this version.
Vacuous 2.0 SPESH
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Vacuous 2.0 SPESH
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