use mouse to move things around
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use mouse to move things around
i'm trying to understand how to make it, but i can't find out how to do it
also how hard would it be to make it interact with other physic object?
thank you
im learning to code with much love
i have another question
can you use a physical object as a character and make it move according to physics? or say a ragdoll character animated but bound to physics, instead of a gif animated character
i'm trying to understand how to make it, but i can't find out how to do it
also how hard would it be to make it interact with other physic object?
thank you
im learning to code with much love
i have another question
can you use a physical object as a character and make it move according to physics? or say a ragdoll character animated but bound to physics, instead of a gif animated character
- Robin
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Re: use mouse to move things around
I am not entirely sure what your question is, but to set a Box2D body to the location of your mouse, you could use:
in love.update()
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Re: use mouse to move things around
hey thanks
what i would like to do is click on a object and move it around while it remains clicked, like an icon in the desktop
what i would like to do is click on a object and move it around while it remains clicked, like an icon in the desktop
- bartbes
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Re: use mouse to move things around
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function love.mousepressed(button)
if btn == "l" and yourshape:testPoint(love.mouse.getPosition()) then
dragging = true
function love.mousereleased(button)
if btn == "l" then
dragging = false
function love.update(dt)
if dragging then
--everything else
- TechnoCat
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Re: use mouse to move things around
For controlling objects with the mouse.
Created with love.physics.newMouseJoint.
For controlling objects with the mouse.
Created with love.physics.newMouseJoint.
Re: use mouse to move things around
thanks a lot again
I tried to add the code for the mouse, but it's not working i must have done something wrong
here is the love file, i used avalanche of love to learn how to make a world, write stuff, make box, modify shape of an object and gravity
edit: thanks a lot technocat
i have looked through the list and i don't know how i missed that one
i'm too impatient
mmh i am failling at making it work, is there a demo out there doing what i wish to do so i can see how its done?
I tried to add the code for the mouse, but it's not working i must have done something wrong
here is the love file, i used avalanche of love to learn how to make a world, write stuff, make box, modify shape of an object and gravity
edit: thanks a lot technocat
i have looked through the list and i don't know how i missed that one
i'm too impatient
mmh i am failling at making it work, is there a demo out there doing what i wish to do so i can see how its done?
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Re: use mouse to move things around
I actually need something like this too. >_>
Re: use mouse to move things around
So I'm going to assume 3 things, firstly; you want to click on the thing to move to start dragging and secondly; you want thorough explanations. But lastly and most importantly I assume you know how to adapt my solution to fit your needs.
Note: Numbers in brackets mean the term is explained at the bottom of the post.
Note: Where I have ellipses in the code I only have them for the sake of brevity.
I also apologise in advance for the wall of text...
Boilerplate code:
Alright, so firstly add some global variables and some psuedo-constants:
We will need to know when drag something so we have a boolean (true/false) variable for that, we also know many functions will need access to our ball and the ground so we create variables for them too. For values we may need to tweak we have them declared globally at the top so we can easily change the value without looking through many lines of code, we have 2 here one for the radius of our ball and one for our gravity.
Next we use the love.load() callback to set everything up:These first 4 lines are just some code I like to use so I know which modules I'm using and so I don't have to type as much. You could easily swap our phys with love.physics (etc.) wherever present in the code.
When we create the physics world we need to set up an area where the physical objects exist, I use the windows height and width and add a few hundred pixels onto them so the world doesn't stop at the very edge of the window. Next we set the worlds gravity, the first argument to setGravity() is the x gravity and the second is the y gravity. X axis goes from x -> n and y axis goes from y -> n. This means to get gravity that pulls downwards we need a positive number. Which is where our GRAVITY pseudo-constant comes in to provide the value.
Now to create the ground so our ball doesn't fall into oblivion... To create a newBody() we need to first specify what physical world it belongs to (ours is world, conveniently), then we need to specify the X,Y coordinates of the body. Well, we want it flat against the right of the window so we set the X to 0 and we set the Y to the height of the window (which move is to the very bottom of the screen) and then take 10 pixels (which is going to be the height of our rectangle).
We next create the shape of our physical object. We must first specify it's body; ground.body (remember we stored the body in our ground table as 'body'). Then the X,Y offset from the X,Y position of the body; we need to move half the screen across and 5 pixels up as the rectangle is created with 0,0 (the origin) being in the middle of the rectangle, we want it on the top right. Now we need to specify the width and height of the rectangle, which is the width of the screen (so the ground covers the entire bottom of the screen) and 10 pixels high.
You should understand the first 2 lines, if not just look the up in the LÖVE docs. Now what's happening on the 3rd line? We use the function setMassFromShapes() which will automatically choose the best (or at least a very good) mass value for us.
Take a breather, make a cup of tea. Absorb this. If you understand this, awesome, time to move on. If you don't understand it don't hesitate to PM me!
Okay, ready to move on? Before you do, run you program to make sure it works!
All were doing here is drawing a circle and rectangle where they should be. You should glance over the documentation for the body object.
We check whether drag is true (if drag then is equivalent to if drag == true then) and if it is we must be dragging the object so we need to make sure the balls position is the same as you mouses position. So we call the setPosition() function belonging to the body object type. It takes 2 arguments X and Y, the getPosition() takes care of both X and Y for us.
Next we call the update() function of the world object, it needs to given the amount of passed since it last updated which, handily, the love.update callback gets passed to it.
Now we check if the 'l' (LEFT) mouse button has been click (see the MouseConstant doc page for a list of button constants).
Now for an extremely important bit, testing whether the mouse is over the ball when we click. We use the testPoint() function of the shape object type. We need to pass it the mouses position, if it is we set our global variable drag to true and set the mass of the ball to nothing using the setMass() function belonging to the body object type. The first and second arguments are the X,Y offset from the center of the ball, the 3rd argument is the mass setting this to 0 makes it unaffected by gravity (you may try setting a mass value to see the effect later on) and the last value is rotational inertia (a little advanced for this post).
Almost done! Just one last callback:All we are doing here is when the mouse is released we check whether we a dragging the ball (remember that we set drag to true when we are dragging) is we are we set drag to false (meaning we are no longer dragging the ball). The next line will give the ball zero liner velocity when you let go, so it no longer retains any of the velocity it had when you picked it up. setLinearVelocity() takes 2 arguments, the X and Y velocity. This can be useful for making the ball continue travelling in the direction your mouse was moving, maybe you can add this in yourself! And finally we reset the mass to the automatically selected value, done!
Run it! You should have a fully functioning program! Have fun with it!
If yours isn't working have a glance over mine:
Note: Numbers in brackets mean the term is explained at the bottom of the post.
Note: Where I have ellipses in the code I only have them for the sake of brevity.
I also apologise in advance for the wall of text...
Boilerplate code:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
function love.draw()
function love.update(dt)
Code: Select all
phys, gfx, mouse = nil, nil, nil
ball = {}
ground = {}
drag = false
function love.load()
Next we use the love.load() callback to set everything up:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
--i find it annoying to type love before everything :)
phys = love.physics
gfx =
mouse = love.mouse
Code: Select all
--create physics world
world = phys.newWorld(gfx.getWidth()+500, gfx.getHeight()+500)
world:setGravity(0, GRAVITY)
Code: Select all
--create the floor
ground["body"] = phys.newBody(world, 0, gfx.getHeight() - 10)
ground["shape"] = phys.newRectangleShape(ground.body, gfx.getWidth() / 2, 5, gfx.getWidth(), 10)
We next create the shape of our physical object. We must first specify it's body; ground.body (remember we stored the body in our ground table as 'body'). Then the X,Y offset from the X,Y position of the body; we need to move half the screen across and 5 pixels up as the rectangle is created with 0,0 (the origin) being in the middle of the rectangle, we want it on the top right. Now we need to specify the width and height of the rectangle, which is the width of the screen (so the ground covers the entire bottom of the screen) and 10 pixels high.
Code: Select all
--create our ball
ball["body"] = phys.newBody(world, gfx.getWidth() / 2, gfx.getHeight() / 3)
ball["shape"] = phys.newCircleShape(ball.body, 0, 0, BALL_RADIUS)
Take a breather, make a cup of tea. Absorb this. If you understand this, awesome, time to move on. If you don't understand it don't hesitate to PM me!
Okay, ready to move on? Before you do, run you program to make sure it works!
Code: Select all
function love.draw()"fill", ball.body:getX(), ball.body:getY(), BALL_RADIUS)
gfx.rectangle("fill", ground.body:getX(), ground.body:getY(), gfx.getWidth(), 10)
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function love.update(dt)
if drag then
Next we call the update() function of the world object, it needs to given the amount of passed since it last updated which, handily, the love.update callback gets passed to it.
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function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if button == "l" then
if ball.shape:testPoint(mouse.getPosition()) then
drag = true
Now for an extremely important bit, testing whether the mouse is over the ball when we click. We use the testPoint() function of the shape object type. We need to pass it the mouses position, if it is we set our global variable drag to true and set the mass of the ball to nothing using the setMass() function belonging to the body object type. The first and second arguments are the X,Y offset from the center of the ball, the 3rd argument is the mass setting this to 0 makes it unaffected by gravity (you may try setting a mass value to see the effect later on) and the last value is rotational inertia (a little advanced for this post).
Almost done! Just one last callback:
Code: Select all
function love.mousereleased()
if drag then
drag = false
Run it! You should have a fully functioning program! Have fun with it!
If yours isn't working have a glance over mine:
- TechnoCat
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Re: use mouse to move things around
I added a mouse throw type thing in.
Code: Select all
phys, gfx, mouse = nil, nil, nil
ball = {}
ground = {}
drag = false
mx = 0
mxp = 0
my = 0
myp = 0
function love.load()
--i find it annoying to type love before everything :)
phys = love.physics
gfx =
mouse = love.mouse
--create physics world
world = phys.newWorld(gfx.getWidth()+500, gfx.getHeight()+500)
world:setGravity(0, GRAVITY)
--create the floor
ground["body"] = phys.newBody(world, 0, gfx.getHeight() - 10)
ground["shape"] = phys.newRectangleShape(ground.body, gfx.getWidth() / 2, 5, gfx.getWidth(), 10)
--create our ball
ball["body"] = phys.newBody(world, gfx.getWidth() / 2, gfx.getHeight() / 3)
ball["shape"] = phys.newCircleShape(ball.body, 0, 0, BALL_RADIUS)
function love.draw()"fill", ball.body:getX(), ball.body:getY(), BALL_RADIUS)
gfx.rectangle("fill", ground.body:getX(), ground.body:getY(), gfx.getWidth(), 10)
function love.update(dt)
mxp, myp = mx, my
mx, my = mouse.getPosition()
if drag then
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if button == "l" then
if ball.shape:testPoint(mouse.getPosition()) then
drag = true
function love.mousereleased()
if drag then
drag = false
ball.body:setLinearVelocity((mx-mxp)*20, (my-myp)*20)
Re: use mouse to move things around
Code: Select all
planet1 = {}
planet1drag = false
--planet1 pseudo-contstants
planet1_RADIUS = 50
function love.load()
--create world
world = love.physics.newWorld(,
world:setGravity(0, 0)
--create our planet1
planet1["body"] = love.physics.newBody(world, / 2, / 3) planet1["shape"] = love.physics.newCircleShape(planet1.body, 0, 0, planet1_RADIUS)
function love.draw()
if love.mouse.isDown("l") then"fill", planet1.body:getX(), planet1.body:getY(), planet1_RADIUS)
function love.update(dt)
if planet1drag then
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if button == "r" then
if planet1.shape:testPoint(love.mouse.getPosition()) then
planet1drag = true
function love.mousereleased()
if planet1drag then
planet1drag = false
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