Pröxima - A Space RTS

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Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by Virox »


I'm creating a 2D Space RTS, inspired by the Homeworld series. It will be played in a similar environment as the "radar mode" from homeworld.

I haven't got much to show yet. But underneath I've uploaded a preview screenshot. It shows a shuttle turning towards a point in space. The dots, line and circle are visual indicators of the movements to see if my math functions are working properly. :)
2010-01-13 - 001.JPG
2010-01-13 - 001.JPG (38.13 KiB) Viewed 10567 times
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Post by rhezalouis »

waaa, a space rts with homeworld in mind! that'd be nice! :ultrahappy:

i am really looking forward to see an example. i love spaceships. huge spaceships! :megagrin:
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Re: Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by kikito »

Is it going to be in some kind of pseudo-3D, like homeworld was, or the space will be 2D?

If you are going to go 2D, you could get some 'healthy inspiration' from AI War. I specially like the way the mouse wheel is used on that game (for aggresively zooming in and out)
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by kikito »

Oh, I almost forgot: they released the game art for free, for anyone to use. Maybe you'll want to give it a look, too :)
When I write def I mean function.
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Post by rhezalouis »

the main link is broken. you could directly go to the lostgarden post: ... s-and.html. :)
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Re: Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by Virox »

Thx for the replies :)

@Kikito: It's going to be 2D, but that shouldn't be a problem. As you said Homeworld was 90% relatively flat. :) I'll look into AI wars for the zooming, but there are larger priorities at this moment.

@Rhezalouis & Kikito: Thx for the links about the game art. Greatly appreciated but I plan to go for a totally different look (the shuttle on my screenshot is a dummy one :p) Although I'll give it a look for inspiration.
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Post by rhezalouis »

Virox wrote:Thx for the replies :)
@Rhezalouis & Kikito: Thx for the links about the game art. Greatly appreciated but I plan to go for a totally different look (the shuttle on my screenshot is a dummy one :p) Although I'll give it a look for inspiration.
don't mention it.

are you approaching the artwork to be more realistic? low-res graphics introduce another fun to a new game actually [maybe because the ironic relation between the high-resolution display and the virtually low-res-jagged graphics], but, wow, your idea seems nice! have you played sins of a solar empire? this program has a good modification tools that allows you to mess up with the ships meshes [3d models] using 3dmax: ... 1/#1587859. i think you should look the sins of a solar empire mod forum. you could use the available ships as your basic [for instance you could use the size comparison between ship classes or something] and turn it into something else [as the oeiginal ships are most likely not in public domain]. :ultrahappy:
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Re: Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by Virox »

@Rhezalouis: Haven't played sins of a solar empire yet (I want too but haven't found time to try it). For my visual style I'm more thinking of a mix of Defcon and Battlestar Galactica - Dradis + another pic
But anything can still change at this point.

At this point I can select/deselect a unit and let it move to a certain point on the map :ultrahappy:
Next steps are:
- Creating multiple units
- Select/deselect multiple units (by draging a selection box)
- Move multiple units + basic formations
- ...
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Post by rhezalouis »

Virox wrote:For my visual style I'm more thinking of a mix of Defcon and Battlestar Galactica - Dradis + another pic
i definitely vote for defcon art style! :ultrahappy:. haven't played the game, but two thumbs up for the simplicity. :megagrin:
Last edited by rhezalouis on Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pröxima - A Space RTS

Post by Virox »


- Units can be created or removed dynamicly
- Individual or multiple unit selection
- Unit movement + line formation

Now I'll be focussing on a basic GUI and creation of other unittypes.

This is a temporary unitlist.
- Fighters squadron: Can only fly in certain range of a their designated carrier. Good vs other fighters (bullets) and carry one torpedo to target slow(/large) ships. But need to return to the carrier to reload the projectile.
- Frigate: Fast ship armed with torpedo's. Short target range. Used for recon or hit & run.
- Destroyer: Medium to fast speed. Cheap protection for larger ships. Can be used in all kinds of situations.
- Cruiser: Medium speed. Main defence against fighters. Good versus smaller ships.
- Battlecruiser: Slow speed. Basicly a cheap battleship.
- Battleship: Slow speed. Very though and large firepower (agains large ships, structures, spacestations) but almost defenceless against fast and small ships/fighters.
- Carrier: Slow. Though but no defence.Depends totally on the fighter squadrons it carries.

As you can see, the unittypes are loosly based on their function in real life at sea. Got any comments or idea's, I'm listening.
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