I know of two methods, and would be glad to know of more. The tow I have thought of:
Having a spell checker thing (Pros: Easier to use. Cons: hard to implement)
Other players decide whether or not the answer is close enough (Pros: Easier to make. Cons: Users may not be fair.)
Which one would you use as a player and as a programmer?
User Entered Answer Checking
User Entered Answer Checking
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Re: User Entered Answer Checking
There will be millions of false negatives if you use spellchecker. That would also require your spelling to be perfectly flawless, or else players will be playing a very entertaining game called "guess how exactly the game creator have spelled that word".
If players want to play unfair to each other, then it's their business. Kinda like an online fight of cheaters: they only have fun first couple of minutes and then it gets extremely boring. Shooting at invincible enemy who can't kill you either isn't exactly entertaining.
If players want to play unfair to each other, then it's their business. Kinda like an online fight of cheaters: they only have fun first couple of minutes and then it gets extremely boring. Shooting at invincible enemy who can't kill you either isn't exactly entertaining.
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