Heres the code, it's heavily commented so everyone can understand it, if not then don't hesitate to ask.
This code can only load files with the following format:
The last number should always have a comma (,) at the end and it can have as many numbers(each composed of only one digit, 1=OK 11=NO) and as many lines as you want.
They can be totaly random, ex:
Code: Select all
What this code does is it reads the lines from a text file and divides each line into numbers (each number can have more then one digit: 1,12,123...etc) into a table variable (data[no. of line][no. of char]), this code can be mostly used to load maps from files with the above format.
Code: Select all
chars=1 --Variable controlling the characters flow in the data table
lines=1 --Variable controlling the lines flow in the data table
data={} --Table holding all the lines and characters formed by: data[no. of line][no. of char]
file = assert('temp.txt'))
for line in file:lines() do
data[lines]={} --Creats a new table for the line
string.gsub(line,'%d,', --'%d,' means everytime it finds a number followed by a ','
function(a) --That number and the comma are stored in variable a
string.gsub(a,'%d', --Everytime it finds a number (%d = digit)
function(b) --Stores the number in variable b
data[lines][chars]=b --Stores the number inside variable b in the table
chars=chars+1 --Adds one to the variable controlling the characters flow in the data table
chars=1 --Reverts the char count
lines=lines+1 --Adds one to the variable controlling the lines flow in the data table
for a=1,#data do
for b=1,#data[a] do
(You can remove the debugger code)
EDIT: the data table holds STRING value and NOT numeric value, so when you want call it in you code you do ex:
if data[1][1]=='1'
instead of
if data[1][1]==1
You can all use this code to do whatevs you want, put it in a function if you like, it's yours
![I'M SO HAPPY I COULD SHIT A RAINBOW RIGHT NOW :awesome:](./images/smilies/ms-awesome.png)
Thanks for all the help people specialy to raidho36 for enlightning me on the string.gsub function
![:Ultraglee :ultraglee:](./images/smilies/ms-ultra-glee.png)
(if you don't want to convert my code to a function or you just don't like it then you should check out Omnivore's or MPQC's function)