Tile collision problem

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Tile collision problem

Post by stanmarshd »

I've been making a tile system so that sometimes collision is on, and other times is off.

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function tile:spawn(x, y, coli, img, width, height)
	table.insert(tilem, {x = x--[[int]], y = y--[[int]], coli = coli--[[bool]], img = img--[[string]], width = width--[[int]], height = height--[[int]]})
Then I added a if coli is true function.

Code: Select all

function tilep:coli()
for i,v in ipairs(tilep) do
if v.coli == true then
if char.x >= v.x - 14 and char.x <= v.x + v.width - 14 and char.y >= v.y - 21 and char.y <= v.y + v.height - 21 then
					char.y = v.y - 21
				if char.x >= v.x and char.x <= v.x + v.width and char.y >= v.y - 21 and char.y <= v.y + v.height - 21 then
					char.y = v.y - 21
				if char.x >= v.x - 14 and char.x <= v.x + v.width - 14 and char.y <= v.y + 21 and char.y >= v.y - v.height + 21 then
					char.x = v.x - 14
				if char.x >= v.x - 14 and char.x <= v.x + v.width - 14 and char.y <= v.y and char.y >= v.y - v.height then
					char.x = v.x - 14
I don't get any errors, but collision isn't how I'd like it to be. At some point, when hitting the tile to the left, it works. At others, it moves the player up. Please help me.
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Re: Tile collision problem

Post by CaptainMaelstrom »

From just glancing, maybe line 7 needs to be:

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if char.x >= v.x -14 and char.x ... 
instead of

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if char.x >= v.x and char.x ...
Hard to say without you uploading a .love for us to look at.
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