Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

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Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by osoII »

I'm using love2d and want to add an object to a table with the body as the index then call on that entry in the table from a collision event. From what I have now, I can do that just fine in love.load but if I try to call it again from the collision callback it fails saying the body is a nil value :/ I've put !!!!s next to the two places that should be behaving the same but aren't. Here's my code:

function love.load()
world = love.physics.newWorld (0,10,true)
world:setCallbacks(beginContact,endContact, preSolve)

units = {}

o = {} --make body one
o.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 300, 100, "dynamic")
o.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(100, 100)
o.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(o.body, o.shape)
o.info1 = 1
o.info2 = 2

units[o.body] = o --insert it into table with body as index
o = nil

o = {} --make body two
o.body = love.physics.newBody(world, 300, 300, "dynamic")
o.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(100, 100)
o.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(o.body, o.shape)
o.info1 = 1
o.info2 = 2

units[o.body] = o --insert it into table with body as index

--calling the table by the body works here but not when called out of beginContact...
units[o.fixture:getBody()].info1 = 2 --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o = nil


function love.update(dt)
for i, v in pairs(units) do
if v.body:getY() > 350 then v.body:setY(350) end --prevent bodies from falling too far so they collide with each other

function love.draw()
for i, v in pairs(units) do'fill', v.body:getX(), v.body:getY(), 100, 100) --draw everything

function beginContact(a, b, coll)
local x = a:getBody()
--throws an error?!
units.x.info1 = 2 --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by Robin »

You want units[x], not units.x. The latter is equivalent to units["x"].
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Re: Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by osoII »

Sorry that was a last ditch "I don't know wtf I'm doing change" it doesn't work the correct way with [] either.
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Re: Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by bartbes »

Yes, when getBody is called love re-introduces the body into lua, however it can't re-use the old lua-side wrapper for that (called Proxy, internally), so it creates a new one. This means that it and the original body are not equal, from lua's perspective.

EDIT: Also, next time, could you please use code tags?
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Re: Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by osoII »

bartbes wrote:Yes, when getBody is called love re-introduces the body into lua, however it can't re-use the old lua-side wrapper for that (called Proxy, internally), so it creates a new one. This means that it and the original body are not equal, from lua's perspective.

EDIT: Also, next time, could you please use code tags?

AHA! Thank you, that was a very frustrating problem. I'm glad to get some closure on it. I'll use code tags next time, didn't know that was a thing. Thanks.
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Re: Tables with object identifiers as the index :(

Post by slime »

While the values are technically not equal so using them as table keys like that won't work, you can still compare them with '==' because LÖVE's objects take advantage of Lua metatables to provide their own equality comparison operator (so o.fixture:getBody() == o.body will evaluate to true, for example.)
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