What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by seanmd »

Eamonn wrote:Incredible job! I could never do anything like that :P I spent about 10 minutes just moving about and being fascinated. The code wasn't all to confusing either(granted I only looked at main.lua). I assume the Vector thing was a library or something? Or did you make it?
Sure you could! I actually don't think I used the vector module in the end. it's from HÜMP

The meat of it is all in buildings.lua
On update you ask for the four corners + each slice's height relative to your viewport. Using those corner data you can scale and position each of your slices into a spritebatch to draw each side. I'm working on generalizing it to be able to use any number of points positioned relative to the origin to allow for more interesting buildings and street lamps and hanging stuff. It is very dumb in that it assumes the viewport is at a fixed rotation, and it's not super efficient given that each side needs its own batch, and currently only supports scaling a single texture, but it's progress. I've got it shimmed into my working game right now although it doesn't make much sense with the buildings in the middle of the street :)

just for the sake of sharing, the algorithm to get the projected position on the screen of an object with height (that I used) is:

Code: Select all

px = cameraHeight * (object.x - cameraX)) / (cameraHeight - object.z) + cameraX
py = cameraHeight * (object.y - cameraX)) / (cameraHeight - object.z) + cameraY
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by NightKawata »

To seanmd:
q9j7yeK.png (71.99 KiB) Viewed 631 times
Don't press X. :awesome:
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by riidom »

Looks like the procedural map/dungeon/cave gen party is over, but nonetheless I have something along these lines as well.
Got the idea as I took a look at nature of code, especially the very first example there: http://natureofcode.com/book/introduction/ (scroll down a bit)
I created sort of a cave-generator from this idea. Tried it in map-sizes of 50², 100² and 150², use an appropiate cellsize, window size will be mapsize*cellsize (these vars are all in love.load). Also, the stop-value is at 15% atm, you can use a higher one too, but for my latest tests I wanted quick ones.
The code.. I have a handful of unfinished stuff done so far, so I prefer easy readibility over saving a few lines here and there :)
The performance is probably improvable, I didnt focus on this, since map generation is usually not a real-time task.
example image, 100² mapsize
example image, 100² mapsize
cave-gen.png (44.98 KiB) Viewed 4882 times
It waits between the steps for the user to press Spacekey, the "refine"-step will run as long as the user desires (but probably not find anything after some time); the other steps are done pretty quick.
If the map turns brighter (floodfill sucessfully finished), it is done.
the love
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by StoneCrow »

Been designing a website for myself
Still a bit off where I want it to be but I'm happy enough with it now
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by micha »

I am working on a ninja platformer. This is the main character:
closeup.png (6.64 KiB) Viewed 4783 times
Have a look at my devblog for more details.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by davisdude »

Nice looking game so far! I like the artwork and look forward to seeing the game when you're done! :awesome:
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by litearc »

I took a break for a while due to studies but now have much more free time. I was working on a map system that used Tiled maps but it got a little ugly when dealing with auto-mapping. I decided to learn a GUI development library and for the last week have been reading an introductory Qt book. It might take a while since the Qt library is enormous and has a ton of features, but eventually I'm planning on creating a basic map editor that is integrated with LOVE.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by retrotails »

Some Toejam & Earl clone using a noise generator I made up thats probably not really original. I just place a bunch of points on a map and generate a height map based on their distances from other points. It takes a good 2 seconds to generate this 256x256 map (scaled 2x)
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by StoneCrow »

Been getting a little demand so I'm converting DeerHunter1066's code to mobile, it's pretty damn easy once you have a grasp of Corona. Anyone else used Corona what is your impressions of it?
Or anyone interested in it I can sum up the differences with LÖVE if you like?
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by carbajosa »

Hello everyone! I am a new LUA and LOVE2d programmer and I wanted to show the idea of my game here.
It's called G-Cloud or Guardian Cloud. The story is yet to come but it's already written on my paper. It's not final though... Okay so here's the gameplay mechanics...
The player gains a certain amount of CT Charge per second (or charge turn) and when it reaches the maximum, the player can now take actions. When the player calls the menu, everything will pause (including the enemy) so you can choose your action freely. When you choose attack or skill then an action radius will appear and it will check if the enemy is inside the player's action radius. If the enemy is "inside" the action radius then the player can choose it as a target.

After finishing the turn of the player, the Charge bar will now fully deplete for 2 seconds and everything except the player can move again. This leaves the player vulnerable for any attacks from the enemy. Now, after 2 seconds of frozen state, the player will be able to move again and then start charging a turn until he/she can take another turn.

As for the enemy, they also have a hidden target radius. They will attack the player if the player is stepping on the enemy's target radius for 2 seconds and freezes for only a second after attacking. They move in different directions but starts following the player when you step on their target radius.

What do you think about it? Is it too much for a first game or should I start for something simple? I am now working on animating the sprite when the player is moving. I'm currently done creating a bounding boxes for the player and the wall. Also done with the intro menu. I hope I can finish this project even if it may take a very long time (because I am creating my own resources in the game. I don't really like the idea of taking a free resource from the internet not unless I hire an artist from the internet for the game. BUT the musics aren't mine. I'm not a musician. Anyway, this is going to be free. Not open-source, just free. Free to play fully when it's done.)
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