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Re: Buttons

Post by Plu »

I should've started with learning principles of programming because I'm being paid to be a programmer?

Or because I don't know (nor care) about pointers and they are completely irrelevant to most of the programming jobs on the current market?

Neither of those really make sense with your conclusion.

(Also, they do start driving classes with putting you behind the wheel and letting you drive; so "learn by doing" applies there as well :))

Also this seems to be getting off topic again.
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Re: Buttons

Post by bartbes »

raidho36 wrote:You don't start driving a car with mashing pedals and gearbox and spinning the steering wheel around.
That's exactly what you do. There's so many drivers on the road, how many of them know exactly what's going on? They're just 'copy-pasting' things in to make it do what they want.

That said, you have a knack for being disrespectful, and derailing, would you mind toning it down a little?
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Re: Buttons

Post by Automatik »

You don't start driving a car with mashing pedals and gearbox and spinning the steering wheel around.
You don't, because it's dangerous.
Programming is not dangerous. You can't screw up so much than you harmed other machines/peoples/you.(Unless you made really special stuff, like doing repeated downloading of something(Risk of accidental DOS).)
But if cars were absolutely harmless(which is impossible), we wouldn't need a driver's license or any "formals" courses.
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Re: Buttons

Post by jjmafiae »

Plu wrote:Copypasting is actually a good way of learning by mucking around, which is the preferred method of learning for a large number of students. It's just one of the types of learning, just like learning by reading theory is. Not everyone enjoys learning in the same way. I used a lot of copy-pasta to learn coding when I was younger, because it allowed me to take something working and see what happens when you changed parts of it.
i like to just muck around with crappy codes made by myself and do crazy things to the code :ultraglee:
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Re: Buttons

Post by roggie12 »

Thanx Everyone for your help, I think I've got the hang of buttons now :D
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Re: Buttons

Post by jjmafiae »

raidho36 wrote:This is why you should've started with learning principles to programming rather than THE programming, and any other man should. You don't start driving a car with mashing pedals and gearbox and spinning the steering wheel around.
visual basic 2008 is good langue to start with
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