So here's a project I've been working on for the past week. It's both the first lua program I've ever written, and the first LÖVE game I've done, so take it easy on the optimizations done lol.You can probably easily tell what it's about by the name alone, but if you didn't, it's a bullet hell engine.
I've decided to scrap it since I really dislike the direction it's heading in - while automated, the level creation is still pretty manual and annoying. So I plan on reworking it with an editor in mind and getting rid of some bad style that I did. But, overall, as far the game goes, it's quite far along (easily workable) and quite modular, so at it's current state it's a POC. If someone else wants to take up where I left off, feel free. I want to get a better system running however.
WASD - Movement
Shift - Slow down
Right click - Speed up
Mouse - Aim
Left click - Fire
I felt like posting this since it's got some neat systems going on inside such as bullet management, enemy management (ie move here, shoot here, etc), a nice menu system (albeit incomplete since I'm scrapping this), working collision, lives, powerups, and the start of sound management. Someones bound to learn something by looking at the code. Though take warning, it's not documented very well.
Side credits: Music is from Great artist.
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Last edited by MPQC on Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: bulletLÖVE
Seems pretty cool! I like the menu a lot, and the gameplay seemed pretty tight. The bullet patterns were fairly simple for bullet hell games, but I assume that they do get (or would have gotten) more complicated later on. Though, is there only one stage? Because after I killed the first enemy (or he disappear, at least), nothing else happened.
Anyway, nice work. I didn't look at the code, but I hope that your next project goes further
Anyway, nice work. I didn't look at the code, but I hope that your next project goes further
Re: bulletLÖVE
Yeah, just one enemy. As of right now it's more of an engine - if you check out /levels/level1.txt you'll see how the enemies are made / patterns are made.
Re: bulletLÖVE
I like the music and the controls feel tight. Reminds me of playing Touhou I really like that you move slower when you hold shift!
My game called Hat Cat and the Obvious Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of Physics is out now!
Re: bulletLÖVE
Hey this is nice! Just need some creative enemies and bullet patterns and you're good to go.
Re: bulletLÖVE
The engine shows definite promise! Good design.
I think managing the fire button, mouse position, and direction to be a little much. I love bullet hell shooters, but I found it difficult to play the game on a trackpad (I know, not the right tool for the job.) Perhaps if it were constant autofire, or I had the choice to do keyboard only I'd feel a bit more in control. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what kind of devious levels you come up with.
I think managing the fire button, mouse position, and direction to be a little much. I love bullet hell shooters, but I found it difficult to play the game on a trackpad (I know, not the right tool for the job.) Perhaps if it were constant autofire, or I had the choice to do keyboard only I'd feel a bit more in control. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what kind of devious levels you come up with.
Re: bulletLÖVE
I quite like managing the mouse & player tbh. I feel as if making it keyboard only would just get clunky. There's definitely spots for it, such as in the menu, but I don't think in game is a good place for it.seanmd wrote:The engine shows definite promise! Good design.
I think managing the fire button, mouse position, and direction to be a little much. I love bullet hell shooters, but I found it difficult to play the game on a trackpad (I know, not the right tool for the job.) Perhaps if it were constant autofire, or I had the choice to do keyboard only I'd feel a bit more in control. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what kind of devious levels you come up with.
Re: bulletLÖVE
Cool! Would be pretty fun as a twin stick shooter with an xbox 360 controller
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