Code: Select all
one = "hi hi hi"
twolol = 10
Code: Select all
one = "hi hi hi"
twolol = 10
Code: Select all
function foo() -- My function
end -- The end of my function
I'm not saying your way is wrong/right, I'm just curious about how you layout your code.
Yes, this question is random, but I've seen some really random threads in the general section not related to code, whereas this is related

I just want to know what way other people lay out their code, after seeing that guy the other day not indenting or commenting.
My Style:
Code: Select all
foo = "iifsdiofsofs"
bar = 10
function hi(name) -- My function that takes a name argument
print("Hello World, " .. name) -- Prints hello world with whatever was entered for the name parameter
end -- Ends the 'hi' function
table1 = {
x = 10,
y = 10,
-- 2 extra lines at the bottom for no reason :P