I need to keep repeating the my background and the ground, and i want it to be infinite, how can i do that?
I thought about 2 ways:
1°: creating new images everytime that the player moves, but this should be terrible to performance.
2°: creating quads instead, but that should be terrible to performance too, as the wiki says...
The other thing i thought is about "go against the border of the screen"(can't say it with another words) with images and loading more when it's necessary, but my doubt is: draws out of screen bounds keep loaded in the memory?
I already readed the tutorial about scroling in the wiki, but i don't have a clue about how to implement it in my code...
I attached a .love archive if you wanna see what's the issue with your own eyes...
how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
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how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
- Attachments
- pothead owl.love
- (328.47 KiB) Downloaded 221 times
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
What do you mean by infinite? Is it one set of tiles that repeats over and over? Do you mean a large (but finite) map?
In the first case you need 4 copies of the spritebatch and the spritebatch itself does not change, only the drawing position.
In the second case, I suggest putting the whole map into the spritebatch withouth worrying about offscreen-tiles. So the spritebatch does not change at all.
In the first case you need 4 copies of the spritebatch and the spritebatch itself does not change, only the drawing position.
In the second case, I suggest putting the whole map into the spritebatch withouth worrying about offscreen-tiles. So the spritebatch does not change at all.
Check out my blog on gamedev
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
I tried to do your first option(but using images instead of a spritebatch), since it seems to be impossible to detect colision with the second, i failed in 2 points: my colision detector gonna crazy and it's not infinite...micha wrote:What do you mean by infinite? Is it one set of tiles that repeats over and over? Do you mean a large (but finite) map?
In the first case you need 4 copies of the spritebatch and the spritebatch itself does not change, only the drawing position.
In the second case, I suggest putting the whole map into the spritebatch withouth worrying about offscreen-tiles. So the spritebatch does not change at all.
i needed to stop my colision detection to test it...
Can you help me? I can't realise where is the error... Here is the main.lua:
Code: Select all
function checkCollision(ax1,ay1,aw,ah, bx1,by1,bw,bh)
ax2,ay2,bx2,by2 = ax1 + aw, ay1 + ah, bx1 + bw, by1 + bh
return ax1 < bx2 and ax2 > bx1 and ay1 < by2 and ay2 > by1
local pairs = pairs
local table = table
local love = love
local sprites = {}
sprites['bg'] = {}
sprites['walkable'] = {}
sprites['char'] = {} -- [1] = player
local dir = 1
local image_dir = {}
local falling = false
local jumping = false
local jumpframe = 0
local maxjumpframe = 30
local pot = 0
local mx = 0
local my = 0
function table.insert(t, i)
local a = #t + 1
t[a] = i
return a
function love.load()
love.graphics.setMode(800, 600)
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0)
local img = love.graphics.newImage('graphics/background.jpg')
img:setWrap('repeat', 'repeat')
table.insert(sprites['bg'], {src = img, pos ={150, 50}})
table.insert(sprites['bg'], {src = img, pos ={662, 50}})
table.insert(sprites['bg'], {src = img, pos ={-362, 50}})
img = love.graphics.newImage('graphics/ground.jpg')
img:setWrap('repeat', 'repeat')
table.insert(sprites['walkable'], {src = img, pos ={150, 500}})
table.insert(sprites['walkable'], {src = img, pos ={662, 500}})
table.insert(sprites['walkable'], {src = img, pos ={-362, 500}})
image_dir[1] = love.graphics.newImage('graphics/owl1.png')
image_dir[2] = love.graphics.newImage('graphics/owl2.png')
table.insert(sprites['char'], {src = image_dir[1], pos ={350, 393}})
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
function love.update(dt)
local ppos = sprites['char'][1].pos
local psrc = sprites['char'][1].src
if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
mx = mx+1
if dir == 2 then
sprites['char'][1].src = image_dir[1]
dir = 1
if mx > 370 then
sprites['bg'][2].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][2].pos[1]+mx/370
sprites['bg'][1].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][1].pos[1]+mx/370
sprites['bg'][3].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][3].pos[1]+mx/370
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
mx = mx-1
if dir == 1 then
sprites['char'][1].src = image_dir[2]
dir = 2
if mx < -360 then
sprites['bg'][3].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][3].pos[1]+mx/360
sprites['bg'][1].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][1].pos[1]+mx/360
sprites['bg'][2].pos[1] = sprites['bg'][2].pos[1]+mx/360
for _,v in pairs(sprites['walkable']) do
--fix me, please...
if checkCollision(ppos[1], ppos[2], psrc:getWidth(), psrc:getHeight(), v.pos[1]+mx , v.pos[2]+20-my, v.src:getWidth(), v.src:getHeight()) then
falling = false
jumping = false
jumpframe = 0
falling = false -- = true after fixing
if jumping then
if jumpframe <= maxjumpframe and jumpframe ~= 0 then
my = my-5-pot
jumpframe = jumpframe + 1
if pot > 0 then
jumpframe = 0
if falling then
my = my+1
function love.keypressed(key, unicode)
if ((key == 'up') and (jumping == false) and (jumpframe == 0)) then
my = my-5-pot
jumpframe = 1
jumping = true
function love.draw()
for _,v in pairs(sprites['bg']) do
love.graphics.translate(-mx, -my)
love.graphics.draw(v.src, v.pos[1], v.pos[2])
for _,v in pairs(sprites['walkable']) do
love.graphics.translate(-mx, -my)
love.graphics.draw(v.src, v.pos[1], v.pos[2])
for _,v in pairs(sprites['char']) do
love.graphics.draw(v.src, v.pos[1], v.pos[2])
love.graphics.print('X: '.. mx ..' Y: '.. my*-1, 10, 10)
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
Could you please create a .love file with the images you use. That would make it easier to see what is going on.
Edit: Just a small sidenote: (image):setWrap only influences, what happens, if you draw the image using a quad. Otherwise it has no effect.
Edit: Just a small sidenote: (image):setWrap only influences, what happens, if you draw the image using a quad. Otherwise it has no effect.
Check out my blog on gamedev
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
Sure, i didn't uploaded it again because i only changed the main.lua and the others files are in the first post.
- Attachments
- pothead owl.love
- (329.19 KiB) Downloaded 192 times
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
I noticed an error in your code (unrelated to your original question): If you want the config-file to work you need to name it conf.lua. You don't need to require it then.
Also you don't need a copy of the mirrored images. You can flip an image by using -1 as the y-scale:
And instead of
you can write
Now to your question:
If you want the background to repeat over and over again and it has a width of 512 then the y-coordinate of the images would start at 0, 512, 1024, ... (multiples of 512). If the player is not at position mx, you need to find the nearby multiples of 512.
This can be done by this lines:
(Divide the position by 512, round towards zero and then multiply by 512 again).
Have a look at the attached .love
For the collision: I give you a hint where to look. In the love.update the player coordinates are not changed at all. All you change, are the camera coordinates mx and my. Then you should not use love.timer.sleep in the loop. To get jumping right, you need to store the velocity in y-direction. Have a look at this tutorial: Platform Game Programming.
Also you don't need a copy of the mirrored images. You can flip an image by using -1 as the y-scale:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
If you want the background to repeat over and over again and it has a width of 512 then the y-coordinate of the images would start at 0, 512, 1024, ... (multiples of 512). If the player is not at position mx, you need to find the nearby multiples of 512.
This can be done by this lines:
Code: Select all
sprites.bg[2].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512)*512
sprites.bg[1].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512+1)*512
sprites.bg[3].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512+2)*512
Have a look at the attached .love
For the collision: I give you a hint where to look. In the love.update the player coordinates are not changed at all. All you change, are the camera coordinates mx and my. Then you should not use love.timer.sleep in the loop. To get jumping right, you need to store the velocity in y-direction. Have a look at this tutorial: Platform Game Programming.
- Attachments
- potheadowl2.love
- Background fixed
- (328.56 KiB) Downloaded 196 times
Check out my blog on gamedev
Re: how to update draw when move without creating new quads?
Thank you... Problem solved.micha wrote:I noticed an error in your code (unrelated to your original question): If you want the config-file to work you need to name it conf.lua. You don't need to require it then.
Also you don't need a copy of the mirrored images. You can flip an image by using -1 as the y-scale:And instead ofCode: Select all
you can writeCode: Select all
Now to your question:Code: Select all
If you want the background to repeat over and over again and it has a width of 512 then the y-coordinate of the images would start at 0, 512, 1024, ... (multiples of 512). If the player is not at position mx, you need to find the nearby multiples of 512.
This can be done by this lines:(Divide the position by 512, round towards zero and then multiply by 512 again).Code: Select all
sprites.bg[2].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512)*512 sprites.bg[1].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512+1)*512 sprites.bg[3].pos[1] = math.floor(mx/512+2)*512
Have a look at the attached .love
For the collision: I give you a hint where to look. In the love.update the player coordinates are not changed at all. All you change, are the camera coordinates mx and my. Then you should not use love.timer.sleep in the loop. To get jumping right, you need to store the velocity in y-direction. Have a look at this tutorial: Platform Game Programming.
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