-30000 points?!
That sounds like I made it too hard haha.
Well I am planning on adding MORE directional dots.
Also dots will be slowed down in favour of the powerups that will be added.
Also im wondering if increasing screen space (ie the area the paddle and dots can move in) will help.
Though a INSANE difficulty will probably be what you see now on hard
Also im thinking of changing the "paddle" to a spaceship, since we can just say were dodging asteroids?
(also allows me to add weapons to spaceship...)
Next :
Since there is no winning/loosing condition yet I will start planning on adding them.
My initial idea for winning condition was : "Hold points above 1000"
My initial idea for loosing condition was : "You have lives, if you get hit X times you loose a life. Powerups may add and remove lives in future."
Do note new features in beta6 will be :
version b6
-Add options menu, with fullscreen toggle, resolution changing and "extras" (ie, funky colors mode, slowMeDown, ImOnShrooms,etc)
-Add quit button -no one likes to use the red X
-resize dots, rework speeds of dots.
-implement powers - see [POWERS]
version b6
Format :
Index : index
Name of Power : Name
DOT color(s) giving power : color(s)
Trigger : Trigger
Description of power : desc
Index : 1
Name : Push
Colors : "yellow"
Trigger : on mouse click
Description : creates a inverted vacuum on paddle, force ALL dots away from paddle. lasts 3 seconds
Index : 2
Name : PhaseMode
Colors : white , Blinks in and out, alpha alternates from 0 to 255 to 0
Trigger : on pickup
Description : Causes paddle to phase out, passing harmlessly through Dots, unless Ethereal(Cyan) dots.
index : 3
Name : Shrink
Colors : red 100 to 255, very small DOT
Trigger : nn pickup
Description : causes paddle to shrink ALOT, makes for easy dodging but extremely hard to see own paddle and catch powerups.
If you have any suggestions for powers please drop them!