notepad++ and love - a suggestion

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notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by Pliskin09 »

someone should create a NP++ plugin that allows you to read/edit/add to/save the contents of main.lua (and other lua files) directly inside a *.love file. thought i'd throw the idea out there. having to make a new *.love file each time to test a single thing is tedious
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by Voker57 »

dunno how's it on windows, but in linux you can run "love mydir/" to run folder instead of zipped .love archive of it.
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by Robin »

Voker57 wrote:dunno how's it on windows, but in linux you can run "love mydir/" to run folder instead of zipped .love archive of it.
It's possible on every platform LÖVE supports. :monocle:
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by thelinx »

Yeah, back when I still used windows I had this folder layout:

Code: Select all

Love projects/
  Shortcut to LOVE.exe
Then to try a game I'd just drag and drop the folder on the shortcut.
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by TechnoCat »

You can also use a zip archiver such as WinRAR and open up the love file to open the files from in there and edit those. WinRAR just asks if you want to update the archive whenever you make a change.
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by kalle2990 »

I can't get the "love mydir/" to work, the only thing opening is the default love window. Am I doing something wrong? I enter (without quotes) "C:/love/love.exe mydir/"
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by bartbes »

mydir was an example name of the dir that contains the main.lua, change it to what it really is and it'll work.
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by iza »

It doesn't work with the trailing slash on the directory path (quite annoying actually -- I use programmer's notepad and there's no way to remove it in the built-in path variable, so I had to hard-code the directory in my run script);

try C:\love\love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir" instead

Edit: Upon further examination, it's a bit more finicky than that:

WITHOUT quotes on the directory path, it works with or without the trailing slash
love.exe C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir
love.exe C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir\
both work; but of course if you have spaces in your path, you need quotes

WITH quotes on the directory path (if your path has spaces), it only works without the trailing slash
love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir"
love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir\"
does not
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by Robin »

iza wrote:WITH quotes on the directory path (if your path has spaces), it only works without the trailing slash
love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir"
love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir\"
does not
With \" you can include a literal ". Change it to

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love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir\\"
and it should work
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Re: notepad++ and love - a suggestion

Post by iza »

Robin wrote:With \" you can include a literal ". Change it to

Code: Select all

love.exe "C:\path-to-my-dir\mydir\\"
and it should work
Ah-HA so that's why; I never thought of that; thanks
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