For my Löve projects I'm using this build script:
Code: Select all
"selector": "source.lua",
"cmd": ["/Applications/", "$filepath"]
It works great, but I noticed that when I use print() in my code I don't see the output until I've closed the lö window.
So for example, when I run the simple code:
Code: Select all
function love.load(),255,255,255), 100, 100)
for var = 0, 10, 1 do
print("test: " .. var)
Code: Select all
test: 0
test: 1
test: 2
test: 3
test: 4
test: 5
test: 6
test: 7
test: 8
test: 9
test: 10
[Finished in 2.9s]
When I run the program manually from the terminal or when using my script file the terminal shows the print output live as it happens:
Is there a way to make the output display live in sublime text 2 as well?