Hi all, it's probably time for an update for my zombie game.
There have been lots of changes, I've updated the love file in the orginal post.
Here are the most important changes:
- completely new powerup system: "health", "freeze", "bullet damage", "multibullet", "bullet speed", "bullet punch" and "walk speed" powerups
- most powerups can be collected up to 5 times and give better skills the more you pick up
- game is more difficult now, player starts with bad skills and powerups are more rare
- player walks slower when carrying cheese
- top ten list, hiscores are saved on disk
- changed bonus score: additional bonus per cheese but lower overall bonus
- title screen with awesome scroller
- status bar with game timer, scores and powerups
- improved player, zombie and cheese graphics
- player, zombies and cheese cast shadows
- added full game instructions:
https://github.com/humansarepuppies/che ... r#contents
- added GPL license
Have fun and I'm always happy about feedback and suggestions