With that thought in mind I began development on LöveOS.
Here is an image of it. http://i.imgur.com/8JKJ4Ry.png
The repository is located here. https://github.com/jessehorne/loveos
It comes with a main.lua file, but if you read the README, you will know how to use it without it. I will attach a .love file for those of you who just wish to see it in action.
All it can do now, is basic interaction with files. I've implemented the cd, mkdir, ls, and rm commands. Those are standard UNIX commands, so you can google what each of them does. You can also run the scripts as well. Some documentation of that is on the repos wiki page on github.What is LoveOS?
LoveOS is a Simulated Terminal created by Jesse Horne with LÖVE. The goal was to create something, that anyone could add to their own LÖVE program, to give them something to interact with their game, or just for fun, that simulated a computer terminal. If you are familiar with computercraft, then this should be pretty easy to understand.
But yes, I hope to have some basic programs in there, to give it a more OS feel. Things like, ssh, git, text editor like vim, etc.
Anyone is welcome to contribute, or discuss future development of this project. Just stop by ##jesseh on Freenode. That is where I am, always.
Thanks all!
Note* This is not meant to be a standalone program. It is meant to be an addition to any love game.
Code: Select all
clear -- Used for clearing the console
touch -- Used for creating files with no content
mkdir -- Used for creating directories
help -- Help feature, shows available commands
ls -- Lists the current directory
run -- Runs a Lua script (all lua scripts much use the libloveos library)
rm -- Removes a file/directory
cd -- Used for changing directories