Hello everyone!
This is my first post on here, but have been using Love for about 6 month on and off as a hobbyist. It's simple, fun and awesome to work with. 3D version would be nice... but hey, I just got here haha. Keep up the good work!
Anyway, I was looking to see if someone had a good example of 2D top view 'realistic' car physics? Something with mass, friction and gear implementation. Even a good tutorial with source codes in Love would be perfect. I've tried a bunch of different tutorials, but cant get any of them to look or feel the way I want.
Thanks in advance.
2D Car Physics
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Re: 2D Car Physics
I've ported some of Marco Monster's code now, but cant get it to work.
Heres my version of the code:
Might be something to do with deg to rads or vice-versa?
Heres my version of the code:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
cartype = {
b = 1,
c = 1,
wheelBase = 1 + 1,
h = 1,
mass = 1000,
inertia = 1500,
width = 1.5,
length = 3.0,
wheellength = 0.7,
wheelwidth = 0.3
car = {
cartype = cartype,
position = {x = 400,y = 400},
velocity = {x = 0,y = 0},
angle = 0,
avelocity = 0,
steerangle = 0,
throttle = 0,
brake = 0
function math.sign(x)
if x<0 then
return -1
elseif x>0 then
return 1
return 0
function do_physics(dt)
local drag,rest,caR,caF,maxGrip = 5.0,30.0,-5.20,-5.0,2.0
local sn = math.sin(car.angle)
local cs = math.cos(car.angle)
velocity = {}
velocity.x = cs * car.velocity.y + sn * car.velocity.x;
velocity.y = -sn * car.velocity.y + cs * car.velocity.x;
yawspeed = car.cartype.wheelBase * 0.5 * car.avelocity
if velocity.x == 0 then
rot_angle = 0
rot_angle = math.atan2(yawspeed,velocity.x)
if velocity.x == 0 then
sideslip = 0
sideslip = math.atan2( velocity.y, velocity.x);
slipanglefront = sideslip + rot_angle - car.steerangle
slipanglerear = sideslip - rot_angle
weight = car.cartype.mass * 9.8 * 0.5
flatf = {}
flatf.x = 0;
flatf.y = caF * slipanglefront;
flatf.y = math.min(maxGrip, flatf.y);
flatf.y = math.max(-maxGrip, flatf.y);
flatf.y = flatf.y * weight;
flatr = {}
flatr.x = 0;
flatr.y = caR * slipanglerear;
flatr.y = math.min(maxGrip, flatr.y);
flatr.y = math.max(-maxGrip, flatr.y);
flatr.y = flatr.y * weight;
ftraction = {}
ftraction.x = 100*(car.throttle - car.brake*math.sign(velocity.x));
ftraction.y = 0;
resistance = {}
resistance.x = -(rest*velocity.x+drag*velocity.x*math.abs(velocity.x))
resistance.y = -(rest*velocity.y+drag*velocity.y*math.abs(velocity.y))
force = {}
force.x = ftraction.x + math.sin(car.steerangle) * flatf.x + flatr.x + resistance.x;
force.y = ftraction.y + math.cos(car.steerangle) * flatf.y + flatr.y + resistance.y;
torque = car.cartype.b * flatf.y - car.cartype.c * flatr.y;
acceleration = {}
acceleration.x = force.x/car.cartype.mass;
acceleration.y = force.y/car.cartype.mass;
angular_acceleration = torque / car.cartype.inertia;
acceleration_wc = {}
acceleration_wc.x = cs * acceleration.y + sn * acceleration.x;
acceleration_wc.y = -sn * acceleration.y + cs * acceleration.x;
car.velocity.x = car.velocity.x + dt * acceleration_wc.x;
car.velocity.y = car.velocity.y + dt * acceleration_wc.y;
car.position.x = car.position.x + dt * car.velocity.x;
car.position.y = car.position.y + dt * car.velocity.y;
car.avelocity = car.avelocity + dt * angular_acceleration;
car.angle = car.angle + dt * car.avelocity ;
function love.update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then car.throttle = car.throttle + 100 end
if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then
car.steerangle = car.steerangle - math.rad(15)
if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then
car.steerangle = car.steerangle + math.rad(15)
function love.draw()
gr.circle("fill",car.position.x, car.position.y,3)
Re: 2D Car Physics
Use the built-in physics for this task if you want proper collisions later (with cars, other objects), because when it comes to rotation, higher speeds, other objects, it gets non-trivial very quickly.
Re: 2D Car Physics
Hi Jakus,
welcome to the forum.
You can do two things, to make it easier for us to help you:
1) upload a .love-file (put the source code into a .zip file and rename the file-extension to .love)
2) say exactly, what is not working. What are you expecting and what happens, when you run your code?
welcome to the forum.
You can do two things, to make it easier for us to help you:
1) upload a .love-file (put the source code into a .zip file and rename the file-extension to .love)
2) say exactly, what is not working. What are you expecting and what happens, when you run your code?
Check out my blog on gamedev
Re: 2D Car Physics
Or you could use HardonCollider.easy82 wrote:Use the built-in physics for this task if you want proper collisions later (with cars, other objects), because when it comes to rotation, higher speeds, other objects, it gets non-trivial very quickly.
Re: 2D Car Physics
Haha, yep gave up on custom physics for now. Trying to mess around with love.physics now and get a good feeling car. Any tips on this? I've got it feeling almost right
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