Download .love here:
Sorry, forum says "board attachment quota has been reached".
Victory is achieved by reaching 0 health or 0 cards in deck
List of cards in the bottom.
Keyboard bindings
[ESC] - exits app
[D] - starts new game
[P] - Toggles development mode (shows enemy cards, output lots of messages to console, shows normal mouse and its coordinates, etc...)
[F12] - Toggle fulscreen mode. Keeps same game resolution (800x480)
[SPACEBAR] - pass turn when you can'tplay any card.
[T] - Outputs your deck to console. Shows cards in the order they are gonna be drawn. NEEDS DEVEL MODE = ON
What is new in v0.12
- Some simple particle effects and other graphical effects and animations
- Added a lot of cards
- Improved AI
- Added way better card tooltips
- Energy: some cards require energy to cast. You get 2 energy automatically every turn
- Custom player deck (read below)
- Better error management
- Bugfixes and other improvements
How to use a custom deck:
1.- Create a plain text file with any name.
2.- Open that file with some notepad program and write the next:
Code: Select all
playerDeck = {<cards> }
For example playerDeck = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc...}
You can see all cards and their number in the list below.
3.- Launch the game as follows:
Code: Select all
love <path_to_deck>
Cards list. Don't try to copypaste, it is an image (forum doesn't preserve tabulations).
You can access this exact same list of cards into the .love file.