I want some way to get var[1] to return as the number 1, var[2] to return as the number 2, etc. Is there something built-in to do this, or would I need a complicated function?
love.keypressed is called whenever a key is pressed. It's not something that loops or runs every frame unless you tell it to. You'd want to have a separate condition to check that the next keypress is going to be stored, so when you press 'b' set a flag so that the next keypress is the one that's s...
function love.load() optbox = { x = 240, y = 70, xmin = 240, xmax = 490, ymin = 70, ymax = 270 } -- ending optbox whichkey = "up" -- move these later! don't need to be global whichkeyindex = 1 -- move these later! don't need to be global rebinding = "no" rebindingState = "k...
Forget about love.keyboard. Use [wiki]love.keypressed[/wiki] and [wiki]love.keyreleased[/wiki] to update a table instead. Example (download and change extension to .zip to see the contents): keys_pressed.love Note that the amount of simultaneously pressed keys is limited to between 3 and 6 - that's...
Thanks for the tips! I'd heard something about netbooks being on the way out, but didn't realize it was going to be so abrupt. I'll check the links out and see what'll work for me.
I'd like a small, very portable, CHEAP netbook for doing love2d development and testing on. Anyone have recommendations? I have an iPad I use for most all of my mobile needs, but I have downtime between classes and it'd be nice to work on my code. I don't really need a full-sized laptop right now, j...
RESOLVED: was calling propulationGeneration() wrong at one point, threw things off. Thanks Boolsheet! Issue is in popgen.lua. The trip is at line 27 (the line: populationMapData[y][x][#populationMapData[y][x] + 1] = popID ) but the culprit is down in populationGeneration() function. If you collapse ...