Search found 3 matches

by idoblenderstuffs
Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:02 am
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: How do I make a shader that changes white pixels to green?
Replies: 2
Views: 1546

How do I make a shader that changes white pixels to green?

I've already got shaders working. This example shader is definitely doing something to make my game look wrong: vec4 effect( vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords ) { vec4 c = Texel(texture, texture_coords); // This reads a color from our texture at the coordinates LOVE ...
by idoblenderstuffs
Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:37 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Animation easing?
Replies: 2
Views: 1174

Animation easing?

just making a basic breakout type game and this is the code i have for it atm: function love.load() px = 500 end function love.update(dt) -- paddle movement px = love.mouse.getX() end function love.draw() -- draw upper left text, 1, 1)"by idoblender...
by idoblenderstuffs
Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:14 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: How do I print a variable?
Replies: 3
Views: 1898

How do I print a variable?

Sorry for stupid, I basically start learning LOVE about 10 minutes ago and was very surprised with how nice this engine is, although now I cannot find any solution on the internet telling me how to print a variable. My code looks like this: function love.load() local px = 200 end function love.updat...