Of course i'm doing it wrong !
And thanks for pointing it out.
I will dive further and further until it all become clear to me.
Having my little sample working is not sufficient.
I'm just happy that i did a step today
OK ! Starting with grump's suggestion about the path involvement, i've tried several things. And here is what i found, hoping that will be useful for someone... one day... My tests with the luajit + FFI direct call requested some macos dynamic libraries, so i thought that was the same for the love2D...
Thanks a lot for answering grump. I 've tried with love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory(), i had thinked of it but not tried because the documentation for ffi.load() explain that it require only the name of the lib and autocomplete the string. Anyway, the error message kind of shortened : Error: main.lu...
Hi there. First, I want to apologize for the mistakes or misunderstandings that may occur, as i am not an english native speaker. Secondly, i've been around for several months, reading and learning, and now that i've ended creating an account, i want to thank all of you guys for the great help this ...