"This is what you want, right?: https://love2d.org/imgmirrur/rtKTxzP.mp4" - woaaaaaaah, just exactly my prototype.
And about checking - if you noticed, I changed it:
I think you don't quite understand what function need to do... Let me explain it second time. In two words: I have a center of circle, some angle (of circle if you interested) and table of angles. Try to draw some sort of wheel with 6 spokes - that's picture of what going on. Every spoke has angle a...
meh, I just was experimenting with comparing numbers. In first version there was math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle))... and that still not working.
And sorry for variables. My vocabulary a little bit poor.
Hello everyone! I have object "rimmyx". In rimmyx there is: variable self.angle and table self.main_angles that stores angles. Why I did this? I need to calculate a points where I need to draw a picure, So for each point I calculate anlge: self.angle + self.main_angles[i] (and then some ge...
So, when I'm applying linear impulse to object that moving because it has velocity - object (let's call him player) just start falling (looks like somebody turned physics on). But I want player to "jump" in some position (applyLinearImpulse()) when I want. Here the code: function Player:ju...
I solved the problem with the sliding (only on pic. 3). When player hits the "wall" i'm just using :setLinearVelocity() to make sliding effect.But I have another problem: Player can't jump while he's sliding.I tried to stop player first, and then apply impulse but it didn't work.