Search found 8 matches
- Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:04 pm
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Console clear screen
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4344
Console clear screen
Hello, i've been printing some values to console, like fps for instance, but it writes it in a new line every second (used print()). Is there any way to clear the console to make it print value on the same position in console, clearing the screen in between? I tried to use os.execute('cls'), but it ...
- Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:01 pm
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Touchmoved function
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5992
Re: Touchmoved function
Came up with a solution of detecting multitouch based on the X and Y area of the screen, where the finger touched it. Reverted back to my previous code, felt like managing those indexes would turn into a mess. Also, haven't found a way to differentiate touches, when one was released, and second turn...
- Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:32 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Touchmoved function
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5992
Re: Touchmoved function
omg, one typo made me nervous for the entire day. Thank you a lot! I still have another questions are about the touch functions: 1) How can I access the values of x, y, dx, dy? I tried this for my code inside draw method:"touchesx: " .. tostring(touches['x']), 0, 30, ...
- Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:36 pm
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Touchmoved function
- Replies: 4
- Views: 5992
Touchmoved function
Hello, I've been trying to make a rectangle move on mobile devices using touch functions, but failed :) Can someone please explaing me: 1) how can I access values returned by callback functions, like touchmoved, or touchpressed - x, y, dx and dy? I tried to create new tables, and pass values from th...
- Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:25 pm
- Forum: Ports
- Topic: iOs liblove build failed
- Replies: 2
- Views: 46235
Re: iOs liblove build failed
awesome, thank you a lot!
- Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:55 pm
- Forum: Ports
- Topic: iOs liblove build failed
- Replies: 2
- Views: 46235
iOs liblove build failed
I'm using macos catalina 10.15.7, xcode 12.0.1 and downloaded source love for ios 11.3, but can't build it as it fails on building liblove-ios. Please see attached screenshot, tbh error seem weird. Can someone please help me with solving this issue?
I'm using macos catalina 10.15.7, xcode 12.0.1 and downloaded source love for ios 11.3, but can't build it as it fails on building liblove-ios. Please see attached screenshot, tbh error seem weird. Can someone please help me with solving this issue?
- Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:57 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Rectangle/Character Movement: How it works under the hood?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6415
Re: Rectangle/Character Movement: How it works under the hood?
thank you for the answers. I guess I understood, but still when I remove *dt from the expression, rect moves smoothly to the desired position. In this case how do I make the rect instantly jump to another position? Like rectY + 500 and stop there? Is there any other key method I need to use for it?
- Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:41 pm
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Rectangle/Character Movement: How it works under the hood?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6415
Rectangle/Character Movement: How it works under the hood?
Hello, sorry for a noobie question, but I've recently started learning game development and got stuck with an issue that I don't understand: why character or any other object movement works gradually. If we take this simple code: rectDY = 500 function love.update(dt) if love.keyboard.isDown('w') the...