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by MistyM
Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:25 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height
Replies: 3
Views: 2906

Re: Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height

Ah, I was wrong. The issue wasn't fixed. This is the game when the ladder hitbox is 32x192px (working perfectly fine): and this is the game when the ladder hitbox is 32x400px. The player gets stuck and cannot move in any direction. (1).gif It seems t...
by MistyM
Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:36 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height
Replies: 3
Views: 2906

Re: Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height

No idea why it may be happening, but have you tried varying the cell size? Do you have a simple example that we can use to reproduce the issue and track it down? Hi pgimeno, I've actually managed to figure it out. I made sure the collision box height was a multiple of 16 (my tile height/width) and ...
by MistyM
Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:10 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height
Replies: 3
Views: 2906

Bump.Lua issue - player getting stuck when the collision box is above a certain height

I've used STI and Bump to add my map and collision boxes to my game. Everything is working fine other than when I make a collision box more than a certain height (360px). When it is below this height, it works as it should, when it's above, the player just gets stuck when it collides with the box. I...
by MistyM
Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:19 am
Forum: Libraries and Tools
Topic: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v1.2.3.0
Replies: 916
Views: 842760

Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v1.2.3.0

Hi, I have a question kind of related to the previous one. So I've done local playerLayer = map:addCustomLayer("PlayerSprite",#map.layers + 1) to add a custom player sprite on top of my map but the sprite is still being drawn behind the map layers (i can see it jump out from behind when I ...
by MistyM
Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:04 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Player jitters with camera movement
Replies: 2
Views: 3428

Re: Player jitters with camera movement

I think the reason for the jitter is that you don't handle transitions between waypoints correctly. When it overshoots, you simply place the player at the waypoint. So, say dt = 0.02 and obj_vx is 250. That's 5 pixels per frame. If the distance between waypoints is 32 and the player is at position ...
by MistyM
Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:07 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Player jitters with camera movement
Replies: 2
Views: 3428

Player jitters with camera movement

Hi, I'm creating a game where the player follows a set path upon pressing the up arrow. The map is created in Tiled and implemented using STI. I'm not sure if it's an issue with how I have implemented the path following (most likely) or the camera movement. The issue happens when the the up arrow is...