Search found 8 matches
- Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:03 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Random character?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 5789
Re: Random character?
I neat way to do this would be to use string.sub to select a single character from a string like so: math.randomseed(os.time()) list = "ab0%" string = "" for i = 1, 5 do local n = math.random(4) string = string .. string.sub(list, n, n) end love.window.setTitle(string) A slightly...
- Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:37 am
- Forum: Libraries and Tools
- Topic: [Lib] SUIT - Simple User Interface Toolkit
- Replies: 82
- Views: 116618
Re: [Lib] SUIT - Simple User Interface Toolkit
First off, really great library. I can tell a lot of care went into this.
Now, having looked through the code, it's not immediately apparent how it's storing the keyboard focus state for the input boxes.
Is it possible to have it drop focus after hitting enter?
Now, having looked through the code, it's not immediately apparent how it's storing the keyboard focus state for the input boxes.
Is it possible to have it drop focus after hitting enter?
- Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:01 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Need Explanation On Jumping?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 6773
Re: Need Explanation On Jumping?
Great eye, pgimeno. I've fixed the typo so it should work as intended. You're right about the velocity. While the impulse causing the change in velocity could be seen as momentary acceleration, the heroes value must be velocity. Edited for clarity, thanks! (I've got vector in my name, you think I'd ...
- Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:21 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Need Explanation On Jumping?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 6773
Re: Need Explanation On Jumping?
I've made more than a handful of 2D platformer engines so I'll add my 2 cents. The fundamentals of jumping in a 2D game are all quite simple when broken down into their core routines. While getting a good handle on physics and trig would be a good idea in general, I feel it's extreme overkill for a ...
- Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:17 pm
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Getting the usable screen dimension
- Replies: 18
- Views: 10108
Re: Getting the usable screen dimension
Thank you very much Pgimeno! There was a point where I was certain I'd tried this and love.resize() never got called. Maybe I've been working too hard. I'll have to fiddle around a little bit more to see if I can figure out the other order of events that fail to trigger it. But you got it and it's w...
- Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:23 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Can't run love cos OpenGL version.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3920
Re: Can't run love cos OpenGL version.
I've run into the same problem with my Intel GMA 4 Express chipset on my laptop. The issue in my case is that Microsoft will not be developing new drivers for these chipsets for Windows 10, and Intel has planned the obsolescence of this chipset. This may be the case for your chipset as well. To cont...
- Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:15 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Getting the usable screen dimension
- Replies: 18
- Views: 10108
Re: Getting the usable screen dimension
@MadByte I'm making a casual puzzle game. There's no reason a player should feel like their entire computer experience is being overtaken by a casual game that you just fire up for a few minutes to play a few levels. Worth noting is that when in windowed mode if you maximize the screen, the reported...
- Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:13 am
- Forum: Support and Development
- Topic: Getting the usable screen dimension
- Replies: 18
- Views: 10108
Getting the usable screen dimension
Is there any way to get the dimensions of the desktop minus the size of the taskbar? I thought maybe love.window.setMode(0, 0) would set the rez and then I could just grab it. Unfortunately this gives me a window which displays far below the task bar. In a desktop environment where the taskbar can b...