Search found 18 matches

by muku
Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:25 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Some other computer...
Replies: 11
Views: 17174

Re: Some other computer...

I've been making my Löve games on my own 64bit Vista computer, and when I play my games on other computers (A 32bit Vista, and the old XP school computers) they all run the game faster. There is a literal increase from steady 60 FPS on my PC to between 200-400 FPS on the other computers (Tested wit...
by muku
Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:59 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Changing keyboard input into characters.
Replies: 10
Views: 10463

Re: Changing keyboard input into characters.

Translating key codes into characters directly is a bad idea because it doesn't take the user's keyboard layout into account; international users are out of luck, for example. SDL actually provides automatic translation of key hits into Unicode characters , but I guess Löve doesn't expose that funct...
by muku
Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:58 am
Forum: Games and Creations
Topic: Copters !
Replies: 12
Views: 18941

Re: Copters !

Please add network support :) I'd like to do it, but synchronizing physics seems a bit hard to me ... It should be doable if you keep a fixed logic timestep (say e.g. 30fps); then the only thing you need to send across the network are the other player's inputs. This way each instance of the game sh...
by muku
Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:05 pm
Forum: General
Topic: How can I do a "mask" or blendmode union ?
Replies: 4
Views: 4768

Re: How can I do a "mask" or blendmode union ?

Stencil buffers could also be used for that: every render operation would write into a stencil buffer, and new fragments only get rendered where the stencil buffer has not been set yet.
by muku
Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:02 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Box2D Note
Replies: 18
Views: 15315

Re: Box2D Note

Floating point multiplications are dirt cheap on modern CPUs though; even a Lua function call has more overhead probably. So performance would hardly be an issue. One would just have to go through all relevant API functions and apply this scaling everywhere, which would be a slight annoyance, I assu...
by muku
Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:55 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Box2D Note
Replies: 18
Views: 15315

Re: Box2D Note

I haven't used Love.physics yet, so excuse if this doesn't make sense, but would it be possible for the physics interface to simply scale all pixel units it is passed by a certain amount? That scaling factor could also be set by the user, if he needs to.
by muku
Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:29 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Discussion for a LOVE Tile Map Editor
Replies: 16
Views: 13457

Re: Discussion for a LOVE Tile Map Editor

You know, you don't have to use Box2D. Many of the retro platformers out there would feel wrong with sophisticated physics like that, and actually are very fun the way they are, with only basic physics.
by muku
Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:16 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Math + Programming
Replies: 1
Views: 3518

Re: Math + Programming

For the trigonometric functions, maybe something like this will help you:
by muku
Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:01 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Sierpinski's Gasket
Replies: 3
Views: 4325

Re: Sierpinski's Gasket

For your "point in triangle" problem, there are some simple algorithms; see e.g. here: However, since you only want to generate points within the triangle anyway, you can do the following: set h := height of your triangle for each poi...
by muku
Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:11 pm
Forum: Support and Development
Topic: Frame rate, vsync and CPU usage
Replies: 16
Views: 19895

Re: Frame rate, vsync and CPU usage

The vsync issue is something we can't really fix because it seems to be a driver issue. If the driver decides to do a busy spin while waiting for the vsync, then I guess we're out of luck. That said, yes, a manual solution using sleep() is the next best thing, even though it isn't real vsync and thu...