Szensk, thanks so much, that worked! I was trying to implement a nested loop earlier but I was doing it wrong. So does this mean that whenever you call the code below, 'nameofthing' is a variable that is created specifically for that loop? Lua figures out the rest? I don't know how to explain it bet...
Here's a lobster-y problem that I've been trying to figure out with no luck. Can you help me? (Also, bear with me - I'm no Lua wiz... yet) So, in my game, there are two players, Crusader Red and Crusader Blue. They can each press a key to summon a lobster. Fun! function crusaderControl(crusaderTable...
Weird - that's what I thought, but it does't seem to be working for me. My game loads fine, and after my first keypress which transitions me from menuscreen to instructions screen I get the error below. (fyi, I'm testing by creating instructions.lua as a separate file) gamestate.lua:42: attempt to i...
Hi all. I'm using HUMP's gamestates library and my code is getting a little unruly in it's length. I have certain functions isolated in their own .lua files to keep things organized, which is a start, but I'm wondering how I can keep individual gamestates in their own files as well to keep things ti...
Thank you Kikito. I appreciate the reply! Sadly, I think my noob brain can't handle this at the moment, haha. My game is mostly complete and trying to integrate bump into my own mess is more of a headache than I can endure. In my own game I'm using lists as you suggested, but for the life of me can'...
Hi LÖVElies, So I've been working on a game for a few weeks and and it has to have grown to the point where bump.lua might be the best collision manager for me. So lately I've been trying to update the code to make use of bump. I've stripped down my code to help with testing/integrating this, so hop...