Search found 3 matches

by sura
Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:51 am
Forum: General
Topic: out of memory& CPU
Replies: 3
Views: 2521

Re: out of memory& CPU

it s very confused me .
by sura
Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:50 am
Forum: General
Topic: out of memory& CPU
Replies: 3
Views: 2521

out of memory& CPU

for j=3,11,2 do for i=1,j do"line", startx+(i-1)*50-(j-3)*25, starty+25*((j-3)), circlerad, 50);'A',startx-5+(i-1)*50-(j-3)*25,starty-5+25*((j-3)));,200,0); end end those line in love.draw() method,1 minitute later ,CP...
by sura
Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:03 am
Forum: General
Topic: its very hard to understand ,why not 3,5 citcle,
Replies: 3
Views: 2507

its very hard to understand ,why not 3,5 citcle,

--[[ 猜古诗游戏 ]] --定义每一个五变形的点坐标位置 startx=300 starty=200 circlerad=25 circleseg=1000 bulletsite={} --需要画出的一排最小的数量 minnum=3 function love.load() end function love.draw(),213,200);--背景色, 100, 100);--前景色 --[["line&q...